
Guidoo 200


Guidoo200 is a 200cm tall interactive kiosk suitable for large areas. By it's size, it is noticeable in any space, regardless of size. It allows for attention grabbing whether it's being actively used by a client or as a display. When being used, others can still observe multimedia presentation being served.

Guidoo200 dual purpose as active and passive displays, allowing clients to be presented with products and services in a multimedia way, making them more interesting and desired.

Guidoo200 characteristics

  • Attention grabbing
  • Increases sales
  • Reduces administration cost
  • Minimizes perceived wait time
  • In communication with customers
  • Run time-sensitive ads
  • Product or service "in-house" marketing
  • Double up marketing efforts using same content online

Guidoo200 utilizes a 32" wide touch screen, connected to a PC platform. System runs on Open Source software and has the ability to be connected by wire or wirelessly. It can be used as a standalone device, or in a group of similar devices with joint administration.